Sunday, February 20, 2011

backwoods tow rope

Michigan Backwoods Tow Rope
In memory of our winter I present the following photograph of native Michigan intelligence.

Through Telemark Tips I have gotten a lot of traffic on this Blog as well as made some new connections with other Michigan skiers - others who tread through the woody back country shaped by Glaciation. Notice the use of multiple car tire rims, what i would assume is salvaged lumber and perhaps a tree stump used as a block on the drivers side back wheel there. This is a sculpture....Detroit may get its Robo-cop statue....i propose something like this to commemorate Michigan's winters.

This photo was accompanied with descriptions a place where the glades are maintained by an enterprising crew, fueled on Shorts Brew and desire for fun.  Looks like you can make multiple runs with out having to climb- just some gas in the Escort wagon. I wonder if the Escort doubles as a warming cabin?

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