Sunday, July 24, 2011

Summer scouting for ski areas

Scout vehicle

In the sweltering heat of July one fantasy overshadows all others. Granted this fantasy is surely of the " the grass is greener" variety. Questions like  " What would this look like with 2 feet of snow?" How would i get here, "  "who would come with to ski this with me?" parade around in my mind as the sweat runs down my face.  Take a look at this video, I think that these guys probably do the same thing.  Most of this is a couple of guys using Pittsburgh as their private terrain park- going down stairs on rails and shit like that.  Essentially just like Skateboarders do- which further solidifies my own tenuous link between the two pursuits. Granted i cant ollie on to a railing, nor could i get my skis to do that- but it is rad none the less.
urban ski

I have been searching out these places on trips to Lake Michigan, and on skates along the Kalamazoo River trailway.

" why are you taking a picture of this hill "

Sweltering desert in summer,  steep hill to ski on substandard gear FTD!
This glade is easily accessed fromt he Kalamazoo River Trailway

another bad pic of the same glade.

Friday, July 15, 2011

Lansing, Michigan Skate Park

Fun Til Death!
 - I have been having so much fun as of late that i haven't had much time to document it here.  Fun has included: family camping trip to Lake Michigan,  construction of the Glendale mini-half, and trip to Ranney Skate park in Lansing, Michigan.  

most of the pictures of the park in Lansing turned out horrible. The spot is worth a visit- lots of fun lines banks, transition and some spot where kids can flip their boards around.  Especially liked the banks here.

Todd drops in the pool.

preparation of the grounds

Cutting Tranny

the two dimensional view